Effective Communication - The basis of quality lifelong Relationships

April 27, 2012

Without communication where would we be? It is the most basic yet most important form of relationship building and maintaining. Effective communication is the key factor in the success of any relationship. Whether it be at home or in the workplace how we convey ourselves is vitally important.

Communication comes in various forms including: Verbal – Written – Body Language. In the words of the amazing 
Lord Sugar you demenour can be your demise’

In our latest post we focus on Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) & the valuable role it can play in communication:

NLP is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy created in the 1970s. It is a practical self-help method that focuses on helping you become a better person, increase your influence and achieve your goals in life.

NLP refers to the connection between
 Brain – Communication – Action

  • Neuro: Neurological processes in the Brain

  • Linguistic: Language – Communication

  • Programming: Utilising information to achieve goals – Action

The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, state NLP is: “finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives”

Hence why it is so aligned with the Inspiration to Action ethos.

NLP in a Nutshell

NLP utilises useful exercises and philosophies that help you read people and situations and literally
everybody can benefit! 

It can help you:

• Be more Influential
• Build better relationships both Personally and Professionally
• Improve presentations at work or how you come across in general
• Achieve your Aims – Targets – Goals – Dreams
• Centre yourself and establish what’s really important to you
• Remove emotional blocks/internal obstacles/limiting beliefs
• Effectively increase positivity in your everyday life

Want to become the person you have always wanted to be but just are not sure how? 

Want to align or even re-define your whole being so you are a walking talking force to be reckoned with?

At Inspiration to Action we are fully qualified NLP and Law of Attraction practitioners and welcome all enquires.


Follow your HEART

March 30, 2012

Here at Inspiration to Action we believe and are passionate about the power of emotional intelligence (EQ) and how emotions can have a profound effect in all that we do and all that we are in every aspect of our personal and professional lives.

Our Emotions affect every cell in our body. Mind and body, mental and physical, are intertwined." Thomas Tutko (B. 1931)

Here’s an excerpt from trans4mind.com that sums EQ up well:

Emotional Intelligence (often given the acronym EQ, the emotional-i...

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Healthy ~ Wealthy ~ Wise

February 19, 2012

Each and every day we make choices that have an impact on every aspect of our lives. If we are wise in these decisions we can increase our overall successes and triumphs therefore living a life full of abundance and happiness.

Generally when the word health is aired we usually envisage diet and exercise and these are of course very relevant that said in order to be truly healthy it must come from within; it's all about your mind-set.

Can you answer yes to all or most of the following questio...

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Happy New Year - Happy New YOU!

January 11, 2012

2012 Lets do this!!     

Hello and Happy New Year!

Here at Inspiration to Action we are continuously researching the benefits of Life Coaching and keeping bang up to date with recent articles and reports and we have put together some key points to kick off our blog for 2012.

We have selected points that identify the value that coaching can add to any business or person and have defined just some of the reasons having a professional coach really is the best thing for personal and profession...

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Equilibrium – the importance of being balanced

December 16, 2011

Homeostasis in basic terms means physiological balance and optimal equilibrium

Optimal internal balance for average human is said to be:

  • Body temperature: 37 ˚C
  • Blood pH: 7.4
  • Regulated heart rate: 70 beats/min
  • Normal blood pressure: 120/80 (systole/diastole)

We've got to 'Begin Within' If we aren't balanced on the inside this will have a direct impact - we wont be balanced and at our best on the outside!
We as humans must consume the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of nutrients to m...

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An interesting article connecting sleep with weight loss...

December 4, 2011

The latest addition to an effective weight loss plan: a good night’s sleep.

Getting 8 instead of 5.5 hours of sleep a night appears to help promote weight loss, according to a new study in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The study was tiny – including just 10 participants – but its general conclusions are supported by other research.

“There’s a growing body of knowledge that’s relating short sleep with increased obesity and poor weight control,” said Dale Schoeller,...

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What is a Wellness Coach?

November 29, 2011

In Brief

Wellness Coaching is for Holistic Health. It facilitates positive changes affecting your:

·         Mind

·         Body

·         Spirit

The bottom line: Wellness Coaching creates Solutions which are acted upon - You Succeed - You become your Best!

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Inspiration to Action ~ Getting to the Heart of Success

Introduction to Our Blog: The small decisions we make every day really do determine our overall health, well-being and success. It is about the choices we make when we go about our daily routine; our attitude, our habits, quality time with family and friends, work/life balance, the food and drink we consume, pro-activity, 'me time' and so on. Join us as we provide practical advice including relevant research we discover to assist you take control of your health and wellness and to succeed and be your best - every day!


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