Showing Tag: "equilibrium" (Show all posts)

The essence of Work/Life Balance

Posted by Inspiration to Action on Monday, September 16, 2013,

Work/Life Balance is incredibly important & should a fundamental factor that everyone should have an awareness & appreciation of. Essentially it is a concept all about the balance between work & lifestyle…

Work, in this context, can be defined as your vocation, career, business, ambition, professional development. At Inspiration to Action we believe that your work should ultimately be finding something you really enjoy & make a comfortable living from it.

Life, in this context, can be defined...

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Equilibrium – the importance of being balanced

Posted by Inspiration to Action on Friday, December 16, 2011,

Homeostasis in basic terms means physiological balance and optimal equilibrium

Optimal internal balance for average human is said to be:

  • Body temperature: 37 ˚C
  • Blood pH: 7.4
  • Regulated heart rate: 70 beats/min
  • Normal blood pressure: 120/80 (systole/diastole)

We've got to 'Begin Within' If we aren't balanced on the inside this will have a direct impact - we wont be balanced and at our best on the outside!
We as humans must consume the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of nutrients to m...

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Inspiration to Action ~ Getting to the Heart of Success

Introduction to Our Blog: The small decisions we make every day really do determine our overall health, well-being and success. It is about the choices we make when we go about our daily routine; our attitude, our habits, quality time with family and friends, work/life balance, the food and drink we consume, pro-activity, 'me time' and so on. Join us as we provide practical advice including relevant research we discover to assist you take control of your health and wellness and to succeed and be your best - every day!


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