Motivation ~ why it can dissipate

You know that buzzy feeling when you first join the gym, set NY resolutions, begin a new project etc then, generally, within a couple of weeks enthusiasm can wane & you go off track - why does this happen?

From experience & extensive research it’s down to our subconscious & fear of leaving the comfort zone; the fight or flight response that's hard wired into our brains. Basically rather than put up a ‘fight’ for the ultimate outcome we ‘flight’ as we are too worried about failing. Is like a form of self preservation but ironically it’s the opposite of self preservation & holding you back - such a paradox.

Never Problems ~ Only Solutions: The Solution 

Ways to say motivated > > >
  • Have laser like focus on your goals
  • Continually think about the 'bigger picture'
  • Constantly refresh your WHY factor
  • 'Begin Within' look inside yourself, take responsibility, having self awareness & self belief is absolutely vital
  • Utilise positive affirmations, visualisation techniques, meditation & mindfulness 
Flexibility is key, do not get disheartened or demotivated by an off day or things not going as planned. Even a NASA spaceship, one of the most sophisticated pieces of technology, is only on trajectory 3% off the time. So 97% its off course & still manages to get to the moon - which is 250,000 miles from earth!

We have all overcome things in life - some more than others - focus on how far you have come, rather than how far you seemingly have to go!

You've got this! Believe ~ Achieve!! Don't just go through life, GROW through life!

Inspiration to Action is here for YOU - get in touch today to become your best version & live your BEST LIFE!

#motivation #comfortzone #purpose #awareness #believeachieve #action #solutions #rocket #coaching #bestlife 
#inspirationtoaction #SaMiaMarketing #affirmations #visualisation #biggerpicture #focus #knowledgeispower 
#evolve #levelup #beginwithin