Watch/listen again: Happiness & Wellbeing Podcast that I co-host with DJ Brandon Block talking all things  Conscious Living


🌿 Conscious Living Community & Events 🌿


Conscious Living Events are events for the local & wider community that promote conscious living, sustainability & wellbeing ~ these events are all about making positive choices, for our health & the health of our precious planet Earth.
The main location for Conscious Living Events is a hive of activity, in a pop up unit, in the centre of Poole town in Dorset UK, with several Saturday dates now confirmed every other month throughout 2023.
 🌍 Community events that promote conscious living, sustainability, wellbeing & holistic health whilst helping raising funds & awareness for worthy & relevant causes. 
 ✨ All about living consciously, for our health & the health of planet Earth.
 🌍 Making positive, healthy choices for our wellbeing, in turn has a positive impact on our precious planet   
 ✨ Well-being for our planet ~ well-being for you! 
I am very interested & happy to collaborate with like minded individuals, businesses & organisations that promote healthy living, positivity & sustainability - would you or your organisation like to get involved? If so please do not hesitate to get in touch: Tara-Louisa Chamberlain.
My vision is for these events to be as inclusive as possible for the local community & beyond. As a blessed mother of 4, I feel passionate about sustainability - I want to do anything & everything possible to make a positive difference, set a positive example & leave a better world for my children & the future of all children.
I am very keen to join forces with local, sustainable, well-being organisations & individuals - so please spread the word!
🌿 Think Green ~ Think Great! 🌿
These community events are all about coming together to make a positive difference to our precious planet & our well-being - it all begins within
#CollectiveConsciousness #StrengthinNumbers 
 < Join the community & keep updated >

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